The Portland Police Bureau is taking proactive steps to address potential civil unrest leading up to the election, reinstating its Rapid Response Team to handle crowd control, a move reminiscent of past election-related riots in 2020 and 2016.
On the first day of classes at Cornell University, anti-Israel vandals defaced a building, shattering glass at the entrance of Day Hall and spray-painting messages such as “Blood is on your hands” and “Israel bombs and Cornell pays.”
Advocacy groups 'Open Doors US' and 'World Relief' have jointly released a report raising concerns about the drastically reduced numbers of persecuted Christians being resettled in the United States from countries known for high levels of persecution and discrimination.
Well, after Fetterman’s performance — or should I say discombobulated appearance, since he opened the debate with “Hi. Good night everybody.” — how about making this election a referendum on the bottomed out political standards which sees the apparently viable candidacy of a stroked-out zombie like Fetterman who says “I do not believe in supporting the Supreme Court”?
Florida flipped multiple major school boards from liberal to conservative Tuesday evening, continuing a nationwide trend of parents taking back control of public schools.
House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) took to Facebook Wednesday to shame those Republicans remaining quiet “while Democrats in Washington are abusing their power[.]”