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The subject of politics tends to be a controversial and divisive subject for many people. Behind every idea is one's ideology or beliefs about what is essential and true. Given that politics includes things like identity, culture, wealth, to name a few, it's not surprising that we find ourselves divided into the United States. The idea that religion and politics do not belong together has been with us for a long time. When and where did we succumb to this idea? Was it that we feared our faith would be diluted by the rigors of politics or did we imagine that God would frown on those who did not neglect everything but God? Our nation has an inseparable relationship with religion and politics. Our forefathers fled the oppression of a monarchy and state religion that hindered liberty and freedom. At the cost of their reputation and life, the colonists risked it all to establish a new nation. The reality is that both freedoms of religion and politics are an essential part of everyday life. Without (good) government, we cannot possibly hope to have the freedom of religion that we enjoy in America. As Americans, we sometimes assume that most have a similar patriotic view. However, in recent days we have been confronted with a very different ideology. An ideology that threatens to undermine the basic tenants of our constitutional republic. Fueled by biased media and "fake news," it is hard to know exactly the state of the union. The great American experiment and freedom of religion have been tested over the years – it will continue to be questioned and challenged. As citizens, we can never assume that the past guarantees the future. Each person must pick up the mantle left by those who paid the price for our liberty. It will require great qualities of character of perseverance to overcome this United States division.