
Amy Coney Barrett receives $2 million advance for book deal

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett has reportedly sold a book, receiving an advance of $2 million.

As Gov. DeSantis Signed Anti-Rioting Law, Sheriff Tells New Residents Don’t ‘Vote The Stupid Way You Did Up North’

At the signing ceremony for Governor Ron DeSantis’ new anti-rioting law on Monday, a Florida sheriff told new residents who moved to the Sunshine State not to “vote the stupid way you did up north.”

Richard Dawkins Cancelled As 1996 Humanist Of The Year After Tweets About Transgenders 25 YEARS Later

“Regrettably, Richard Dawkins has over the past several years accumulated a history of making statements that use the guise of scientific discourse to demean marginalized groups”

Some House Democrats Are Furious with Maxine Waters, May Vote to Censure Her

As House Republicans demand Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California be censured for comments that drew a rebuke from the judge overseeing the Derek Chauvin trial, Fox News reported some Democrats might join in.

Dershowitz: Maxine Waters’ Tactics Similar to Those Used by Ku Klux Klan

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) was clearly trying to influence the jury in the Derek Chauvin trial when she traveled to Minnesota and said Chauvin should be found guilty, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz charged on Tuesday.

Irvine Directs $42 Million in COVID-Relief Funds Toward Park Repairs

The City of Irvine is considering spending 80 percent of its federal COVID-19 relief funds on improvements to a local park.

Vandals leave pig head, smear blood outside former home of Chauvin defense witness

The former home of an expert witness for the defense in the trial of Derek Chauvin was vandalized with blood early Sunday morning, with vandals leaving a pig head on his doorstep, Daily Mail reports.

DeSantis on Democrat Rhetoric: ‘Corporate Media Is One of the Most Divisive Forces in Our Country’

Corporate media is one of the “most divisive forces” in the country, and Democrat politicians such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) are contributing to the civil unrest across the country, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview immediately following his signing of the state’s anti-riot bill Monday.

Biden Administration’s Proposed Rule Props Up ‘1619 Project’ as Model for K-12 American History and Civics

The Biden education department proposed a rule Monday urging the development of “culturally responsive teaching” in American History and Civics and holding up the widely discredited New York Times’ “1619 Project” as a model for schools to teach children the United States is fundamentally a racist nation.

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