Jacob Chansley, known as the "QAnon Shaman," has been released from prison to a halfway house after serving just under 27 months of his 41-month sentence for his involvement in the January 6th events at the U.S. Capitol.
Martha Chansley, mother of "QAnon Shaman" Jake Chansley, expects her son's release from prison "really soon," as she revealed in an interview with The Gateway Pundit, although she did not provide an exact date.
The select committee assigned to investigate the Capitol riot did not review the surveillance footage, which is the primary evidence of the event, and outsourced the task to a team of employees, as revealed after Kevin McCarthy permitted controlled access to the video for House members to decide what happened on that day.
Martha Chansley, the mother of so-called "QAnon Shaman" Jacob Chansley, told Newsmax that she's "happy that the truth" of Jan. 6 "is being revealed" through a video showing two U.S. Capitol Police officers escorting her son past other police officers and to the door of the U.S. Senate the day of the protests, as his conviction was an "injustice."