Covid Vaccines

Vaccinated Minnesota Senator Tests Positive for COVID-19

Senator Smith has become infected despite being vaccinated against the disease, raising questions about the shot's efficacy.

Major Banks Pressure Software Company to Refuse Service to Gun Sellers

Bank of America denied having anti-firearm company policies.

COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA Found in Breast Milk: The Lancet

“[T]race mRNA amounts were detected in 10 exposures up to 45 h post-vaccination.”

U.N. Approves ‘Pandemic Declaration’ Granting Organization Sweeping Powers

Critics argue that the PPPR is marred by contradictions and emphasizes an unwarranted centralization of control at the expense of democracy and human rights.

Moderna: New Vaccine ‘May Not Protect All Vaccine Recipients’ from COVID-19, Only ‘May Be Effective’ in Reducing Severe Disease, Hospitalization

Pharmaceutical giant says its vaccine only "may be" effective in reducing "severe disease and hospitalization," and falls short of confirming protection from infection.

Fatal Heart Disease Linked to COVID-19 Vaccines: New Study

A majority of these deaths happened "within a week from the last injection."

33% of Americans Say COVID Vaccine Kills Some—25% Believe MMR Vaccine Causes Autism: Kaiser Survey

Data taken from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms that 35,980 deaths have been linked to the COVID vaccine; medical literature confirms vaccine-linked disease to autism.

Biden To Request More Funding For New COVID Vaccine

President Joe Biden said last week that he will ask Congress for additional funding for the development of a new COVID vaccine.

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