
9 of the top 10 governors with highest approval ratings are Republican; Biden is less popular than the least-liked governor in the country: Poll

Another new poll delivers ominous forebodings for Democrats and President Joe Biden. Americans are embracing Republican governors at a much higher rate than their Democrat counterparts.

Biden ‘forcing’ people to abandon faith for ‘radical gender-identity ideology’

'It's a legal conflict that goes to the heart of what it means to be free'

Trump: US Has ‘Wonderful Future’ Ahead

Former President Donald Trump issued a Thanksgiving Day message, telling Americans "do not worry, we will be great again."

The Pilgrims’ Progress – Honoring Our Forefathers on the 400th Anniversary of the First (and Most Expensive) Thanksgiving

This year marks the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving celebrated by our Pilgrim fathers and mothers in 1621.

Leading Swedish Hospital Accused of Injuring Gender-Dysphoric Children With Hormone Treatment

The side effects of hormone blockers experienced by children with gender dysphoria include constant pain, suicidal tendencies, reduced bone density and a severely impaired mental state. The treatment had previously been seen as completely reversible, but that assessment has changed in recent years.

Thank You, G-d, for America

Do we still remember he is the one we thank first and last?

Covid Vaccines Are a War on Children

The first battles in the Covid War on Children began with the lockdown, forcing kids into isolation, depriving them of education, smothering them with masks, strangling their innate joy and playfulness, and denying them contact with God-given images of human faces.

Jury finds all 3 defendants guilty of murder in Ahmaud Arbery trial

The Ahmaud Arbery trial ended Wednesday afternoon with a jury finding all three defendants in the case — Gregory McMichael, 65; his son, Travis McMichael, 35; and William "Roddie" Bryan Jr., 52 — guilty on multiple counts of felony murder and various other charges for their roles in the altercation that led to Arbery's death.

How COVID-19 Jab Benets Are Exaggerated

In a November 12, 2021, blog post, Maryanne Demasi, Ph.D., reviews how the benets of the COVID-19 shots have been exaggerated by the drug companies and misrepresented to the public by an uncritical media. She has previously given many lectures on how the drug companies conated absolute and relative risks for statin drugs.

Kyle Rittenhouse and the Left’s Terrifying Assault on Due Process

They want revolutionary justice. The legal system’s verdict will be supplanted by the people’s judgment.

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