Gettysburg College has postponed a painting and writing event hosted by its Gender Sexuality and Resource Center for people who are “Tired of White cis men.”
In a stunning release on Tuesday highlighting its “2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength,” the Heritage Foundation (HF) rated the U.S. military as “weak” — so weak, in fact, that it is questionable whether it could meet the demands of even a single major regional conflict.
Globalist WEF is annoyed that business leaders have to deal with "questions about how to handle employees, especially white men" who are critical of so-called 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' (DEI).
A new study discovered that changes in menstrual cycles of women who received the COVID-19 vaccines are far more prevalent than previously acknowledged
Tens of thousands of federal tax dollars are flowing to New York University to uncover why kids allegedly “favor Whiteness and maleness over other identities,” official data show.