National Day of Prayer

‘Don’t Give Up the Ship!’: American Minute with Bill Federer

Among the many U.S. Navy and Marine heroes confronting Tripoli's Muslim Barbary pirates was Captain James Lawrence. In 1804, Captain Lawrence was second-in-command, under Lieutenant Stephen Decatur, of an expedition...

Christian Leaders Celebrate National Day of Prayer

Christian leaders across the United States took to social media to celebrate National Day of Prayer.

National Days of Prayer – American Minute with Bill Federer

Do you know America’s tradition of Days of Prayer? In Alexander Young’s Chronicles of the Pilgrims, (Boston, 1841), Edward Winslow recounted: “Drought and the like … moved...

Chinese Government Bans Prayer App

The Chinese government banned the app from being downloaded in the country, removing it from the Apple App Store.

National Day of Prayer: We Have Forgotten God…” Lincoln, “Awful Calamity … May Be but a Punishment … For Our Presumptuous Sins” – American...

President Reagan stated January 27, 1983: "In 1775, the Continental Congress proclaimed the first National Day of Prayer ... In 1783, the Treaty of Paris officially ended the long, weary Revolutionary War during...

Tennessee Governor Acknowledges God’s Sovereignty And Need For His Guidance In Prayer Proclamation

Earlier this week, Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee issued a proclamation acknowledging "God's sovereignty."

Sean Feucht’s Let Us Worship Tour Returns To DC For 9/11 ‘Day Of Prayer For America’

In conjunction with the "Let Us Worship" tour, revivalist Sean Feucht is inviting all Christians to the nation's Capitol for a National Day of Prayer on Saturday, September 11.

Permit denied for National Day of Prayer at U.S. Capitol for 1st time in 70 years

After almost 70 years, the National Day of Prayer this year looks very different in Washington DC. That is because the permit to hold the annual event at the capital was denied for the first time since 1952.

Biden Issues National Day of Prayer Proclamation — Omits Word ‘God’

A National Day of Prayer Proclamation put out by the administration Wednesday noticeably omits mention of the word “God.”

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