
Antifa member arrested in Oregon at violent protest against church group

Antifa member Clifford Phillip Eiffler-Rodriguez, 35, of Salem, Ore., was arrested for allegedly assaulting a female police officer, at the violent protest on August 10, when Antifa gathered to attack participants of a street church protest outside Planned Parenthood.

PhD-Educated Least Likely to Get Vaxxed: Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh study finds highest educated Americans are most vaccine-hesitant.

Producer prices soar 7.8% annually in July, most on record

Prices rose 1% month over month

Joe Biden never mentioned ‘quarantine camps’ for Covid ‘high-risk’ individuals… but last year the CDC certainly did

As a number of politicians push for ‘vaccine passports’ amid fears that a new brand of medical apartheid is coming, a re-surfaced CDC publication advocating internment camps for the ‘high-risk’ has some people fearing the worst.

85 Things You Can Do To Help The United States Shake Wide Awake

We don't need a majority. Revolutions never have. We need a minority of Wide Awake Americans to coalesce, to see, judge, and act.

Vaxxed Make Up ’85–90% of the Hospitalizations’ from COVID Infection in Israel: Dr. Kobi Haviv

The Director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem says the Covid-19 vaccine's "effectiveness is waning."

Iran attacks Israeli ship with explosive drones, Blinken says; US response forthcoming

On Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken blamed Iran for a Friday drone attack on the Israeli-owned oil tanker Mercer Street, which resulted in the death of two people. Blinken said the U.S. and other international partners to determine an appropriate response.

South Texas Police Department Issues Public Health Announcement After COVID-Stricken Migrants Seen ‘Coughing, Sneezing’ At Whataburger

The La Joya Police Department issued a public health announcement after an officer approached an undocumented migrant family at Whataburger who told him Border Patrol released them because they had COVID-19.

DoJ, FBI Lock up Trump Allies, Forget About Clinton Foundation’s Pay-to-Play Schemes

Although the DoJ and FBI are actively chasing Donald Trump's supporters, they have never demonstrated a similar hardball approach when it came to the Clintons and other establishment politicians, says Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel, who has investigated the Clinton Foundation's alleged fraud for several years.

Powell Tells Senate He’s “Not Concerned” With Rising Cost Of Living

Powell has made some more eye-catching comments, the first concerning keeping the public focused on "risk management".

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