Vaxxed Make Up ’85–90% of the Hospitalizations’ from COVID Infection in Israel: Dr. Kobi Haviv

The Director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem says the Covid-19 vaccine’s “effectiveness is waning.”

  • Dr. Kobi Haviv—Director of the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, Israel—appeared on Israel’s News 13.
  • He told an anchor that “the effectiveness of the [coronavirus] vaccine is really fading.”
  • “Most of the population is vaccinated,” said Dr. Haviv, and “85–90% of the hospitalizations are fully vaccinted people.”
  • Dr. Haviv’s remarks come as the Israeli ministry figures confirmed 3,843 coronavirus cases on Thursday alone, even though “over 5.8 million have received at least one vaccine dose,” as reported by The Times of Israel.
  • This was the “fourth day in a row that new cases have passed 3,000.”
  • CNN calls the “new wave of infections” in Israel a “spike.”
  • Amid the “continued rise in cases,” notes the Times of Israel, Israel’s ministers have “approved significantly expanding restrictions on gatherings under the Green Pass system.”
  • However, over 60% of Israel’s population have received the Covid-19 gene-based vaccine.
  • About 5.8 million out of Israel’s 9.3 million citizenry have received at least one vaccine dose.
  • The Johns Hopkins online Coronavirus Resource Center indicates that Israel has an “Above World Average” vaccination rate, ranking 16th out of 162 world nations on the list.
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Screenshot from the Johns Hopkins website taken August 6, 2021
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Screen-Shot-2021-08-06-at-12.33.51-PM-1024x612.png
Screenshot from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website taken August 6, 2021

Jon Fleetwood is Managing Editor for American Faith and author of “An American Revival: Why American Christianity Is Failing & How to Fix It.

r American Faith.