In the decades prior to the Revolutionary War, tensions arose between the two largest global powers: BRITAIN, led by King George II, and FRANCE, led by...
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., was born October 27, 1858.
As a child, he had debilitating asthma, often waking up at night as if being smothered to death.
At 6-years-old, he...
Host of Epoch TV’s Crossroads Joshua Philipp reported that Bill Gates's company Breakthrough Energy Ventures is a large contributor to deforestation efforts.
Previously, the media blamed the wildfires, which have forced numerous evacuations across the nation, on so-called "climate change," which has replaced the "global cooling" narrative prevalent just a few decades ago.
The local government in Maui has sued the Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) this week after claiming the business caused the deadly wildfire earlier this month.