
China Won’t Be Taking Over the World

While the US has its problems, future global Chinese supremacy won’t be one. Far from being in a position of overwhelming strength, China and its Communist leadership face imminent multifront domestic crises that will threaten the existence not only of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) but the existence of the Chinese state as a unified whole.

Efforts To Have 2020 Presidential Election Results Decertified Following Audit Growing

An Arizona Senator is pushing to have the 2020 Presidential election results decertified following the results of the audit.

Tech Platform Criticizes Apple’s New iPhone ‘Surveillance’ of User ‘Private Content’

WhatsApp head says Apple's new child safety tool "introduces something very concerning into the world."

China Has Enough Stolen Data for ‘Dossier’ on Every American: Former National Security Adviser

Former U.S. national security official warns Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is stealing data to compile a "dossier" on every American adult.

CA Gov. Newsom Recall to Use Mail-In Ballots Amid 2020 Election Fraud Claims

Social media reacts to mail-in-ballots being used for the California gubernatorial recall election.

Trump: Claim ‘No Evidence of Election Fraud’ is ‘FAKE NEWS’

"This election was a scam, and the Lamestream Media is doing everything in their power not to allow the people to see or read about what really took place."

Mike Lindell Pulls FOX Ads for Not Airing Election Fraud ‘Symposium’

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell pulled his ads because Fox News refused to run an ad promoting an event linked to claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Biden Department Of Justice Threatens To Sue To Lock In 2020 Election Chaos

New documents represent the Biden administration’s latest attempt to squelch investigations into irregularities, silence critics of the 2020 election, and cement free-for-all voting ‘procedures.’

Biden Talks ‘Real Shooting War’ and ‘Seeks Permission to Leave’ During Visit to Intel Community

Joe Biden went to speak to the intelligence community at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence yesterday. He spoke before about 120 employees and senior officials, according to Stars and Stripes.

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