
Military Brass Relieves Marine Who Criticized Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

The US military has shamefully revelied a patriotic marine who criticized the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Pope Francis on the Ten Commandments: ‘I observe them, but not as absolutes’

About whether he 'disregards' the Ten Commandments Pope Francis said, 'No. I observe them, but not as absolutes, because I know that what justifies me is Jesus Christ.'

New Health Order Makes the COVID Vax Essentially Mandatory for TK-12 School Employees

“Simon Says” get a vaccine, and if you do not obey, life will be made increasingly uncomfortable. It is not a game, and it is certainly not fun.

Christian Street Preacher Wins Lawsuit After False Allegations of Hate Speech

A female street preacher in the United Kingdom, who was arrested last year for allegedly threatening members of the public, was exonerated by a district judge.

Joe Biden Walks Away from Questions About the Thousands of Americans Still Stranded in Afghanistan

President Joe Biden again walked away from White House reporters asking him questions about thousands of Americans still stranded in Afghanistan on Monday. The president...

Mayor Bill de Blasio sued by business owners over New York City’s vaccine mandate

A group of restaurant owners and five small businesses filed a lawsuit Tuesday, Aug. 17, against New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio over the city’s vaccine mandate targeting “certain establishments.” The lawsuit was filed in Richmond County Supreme Court.

Are US citizens being asked to pay $2,000 for evacuation flights out of Kabul?

After the State Department issued an alert over the weekend saying U.S. citizens could have to pay $2,000 or more for evacuation flights out of Afghanistan, a report indicated people hoping to escape are being asked to pay up.

The Epic v. Google lawsuit finally makes sense

Google pulled every trick it could, an unredacted complaint alleges

What Might Imminent Maricopa County Audit Report Reveal About 2020 Elections in Arizona?

The report on the 2020 election audit in Maricopa County, which kicked off in late April 2021 and envisaged examining 2.1 million ballots and voting equipment, is being drafted, according to Arizona GOP.

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