In a significant bipartisan move, the House of Representatives, controlled by the GOP, officially criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for her role as the...
Border Patrol officers apprehended Basel Bassel Ebbadi, a 22-year-old Lebanese migrant, near El Paso, Texas, on March 9, following his admission of intentions to...
The emergence of a violent South American gang in the United States continues to pose challenges for border officials, who are vigilant for identifying...
Illegal immigrant families were seen crossing the border in Eagle Pass, Texas on Saturday as their children crawled under razor wire while illegally crossing the US border during a thunderstorm.
The Justice Department has said it plans to sue the state of Texas if it doesn’t remove the 1,000-foot floating barrier in the Rio Grande river in an attempt to deter illegal immigrants from crossing into the United States.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said during a press conference in Brownsville, Texas that he has a “six pillar” plan to handle the millions of illegals that are going to rush the US border as Title 42 sets to expire next week.