Underlying Conditions

UK Man Dies from ‘Catastrophic’ Blood Clots in Brain Following Astrazeneca Jab After Being Uninformed of Life-Threatening Risks

A UK man died as a result of blood clots two weeks after receiving an AstraZeneca jab, which he may have refused had he been given updated info on the risks, an inquest heard this week.

FDA Rubber-Stamps Remdesivir for Infants Without Evidence of Safety, Efficacy

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday approved the use of the antiviral therapy, remdesivir, to treat COVID-19 in infants four weeks and older.

Recording Shows AstraZeneca CEO Saying Immunocompromised Can’t Be Vaxxed

AstraZeneca CEO Pascal Soriot says "millions of immunocompromised people can't be vaccinated" and "antibody treatment has enormous potential" in revealed footage.

Fact-Checker Claims COVID Deaths Underreported. Here’s Why They’re Wrong.

Health Feedback, a “fact-checking” organization, is part of a World Health Organization project called Vaccine Safety Net. It operates under the umbrella of Science Feedback, whose partners and funders include Facebook and the Google News initiative.

CDC Data Signaling Vaccine Catastrophe

It took only 32 deaths to halt 1976 shot campaign

COVID Vax Booster Loses ‘Substantial Effectiveness’ After 4 Months—Only 31% Effective After 5 Months: WaPo

"Booster shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines lose substantial effectiveness after about four months."

WHO Reveals No Evidence Shows Kids, Adults Need COVID-19 Booster

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently suggested a booster for healthy children and adults is most likely not needed.

Tucker Carlson: White Americans Are Being Denied Covid Medical Treatments Based On Their Race

Tucker Carlson on Monday night highlighted how multiple states are now systematically denying white people covid medical treatments in the name of "equity."

Omicron Infections 80% Less Likely To Result In Hospitalization, Research Finds

The Omicron variant has caused alarm particularly in the U.S., where it is now said to account for most of the new recorded cases of COVID. But new research suggests that the highly transmissible variant is less likely to result in hospitalizations among those who get it as compared to previous variants.

Man Shot to Death Counted as COVID Fatality (Video)

New Zealand gunshot victim counted a Covid-19 death.

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