Ted Wheeler

Nike Closes Factory Store in Liberal-Run Portland Due to Increasing Theft And Safety Issues

Nike has closed its outlet store in Portland, Oregon permanently due to ongoing issues of theft and concerns over safety.

Church On Portland’s ‘Deadliest Block’ Cleans Up Drug Encampment While Mayor Fixates On Guns

Homelessness and drug use continue to run rampant in Portland as the city’s leaders focus on gun violence.

‘Worse than the Civil war’: how fixation on Capitol riot makes America ignore its other major problem

Disparate reactions to left-wing protesters at the DOI versus the ones at the US Capitol show how biased the mainstream media truly is.

Despite Portland mayor finally vowing to crack down on Antifa, businesses were still terrorized and a riot was declared Friday night

The mayor of Portland extended a state of emergency for the city through this weekend in an attempt to curtail potential violence and defacement of property. The state of emergency, which gives Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) power to declare a curfew and close public facilities, was first declared on Tuesday, the day of the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial.

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