The Department of Justice has filed charges against three men from Iran, accusing them of breaking into and disseminating details from the Trump presidential...
The United Nations officially began October 24, 1945.Its name was coined by President Franklin Roosevelt.
The United Nations' charter was drafted in the Garden Room of San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel.
The Charter meeting did not...
Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) recently disclosed in a report that an Iranian phishing operation has compromised about a dozen email accounts connected with...
The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution, also known as the Prohibition Amendment, was a significant and controversial change to the nation's governing document.
"Musk is as a kind of low-grade pop 'genius' a la a Tony Stark comic book 'hero' that that was always backstopped by the Deep State since even before he landed in Silicon Valley," the post reads.
Since 2020, parents have had to contend with increasingly brazen efforts by governments, schools, foundations, Big Tech, Big Pharma and others to hijack, injure or destroy children’s minds and bodies.
The state of Florida has removed $2 billion in environmental, social and governance (ESG) divesting in BlackRock Inc., saying social engineering wasn't something it ever "signed up" for.
Well, after Fetterman’s performance — or should I say discombobulated appearance, since he opened the debate with “Hi. Good night everybody.” — how about making this election a referendum on the bottomed out political standards which sees the apparently viable candidacy of a stroked-out zombie like Fetterman who says “I do not believe in supporting the Supreme Court”?