CDC To Ramp Up Surveillance to Track Viruses at Airports

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced this week that it plans to increase surveillance at some airports to track diseases.

Comprehensive Review Finds Health Problems From mRNA Technology

A study in the journal Biomedicines detailed that the mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines is pathogenic.

Rate of Babies Dying Before First Birthday Increased 3% Last Year

The rate of babies passing away before their first birthdays increased by 3% in 2022, the first year-to-year increase since 2002.

New Study Disputes Idea that Children Spread COVID-19 at Daycare

A study published in the JAMA Network Open found that children are more likely to spread COVID-19 among household contacts than at childcare centers.

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Beneficial Gut Bacteria

New research revealed that COVID-19 vaccines with mRNA reduce beneficial gut bacteria.

COVID-19 Vaccine Research Shows Spike Protein Forming in Heart Cells

Research from Germany found that spike proteins from mRNA COVID-19 vaccines form in human heart cells 48 hours after vaccination.

California Medical ‘Misinformation Powers’ Taken to Court

A lawsuit is underway against California medical boards' "misinformation powers," focused on a law that is to be repealed.

Fewer Than 20% of Americans Take COVID-19 Booster: Peer-Reviewed Journal ‘Vaccine’

Those declining the booster cite prior natural SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as concern regarding side effects, safety, and efficacy.

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Researchers Receive Nobel Prize

Nobel Prizes usually honor research that is decades in the making, not recent technology.

All COVID-19 Variants Are Lab-Made: Japanese Study (Video)

The analysis "we have shown here concludes that the Omicron variants were formed by a completely new mechanism that cannot be explained by previous biology. The process of how SARS-CoV-2 mutations occurred should prompt a reconsideration of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic," the study authors emphasize.

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