Soren Aldaco, a 22-year-old student at the University of Texas at Austin, is suing the medical providers who allegedly "permanently disfigured" her after allowing...
In a move to counter Arizona's restrictive abortion law, California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed allowing Arizona doctors to perform abortions in California for their...
These legislative actions underscore Governor DeSantis' ongoing commitment to securing medical freedoms in Florida, marking a significant development in the ongoing debates around public health policy and individual rights in the United States.
"The Biden Administration and CDCs false narratives about the necessity and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine and booster misled the public with scare tactics and deception," said Rep. Wenstrup.
The bill will both "Ensure that health care facilities that discriminate against patients based on their COVID-19 vaccination status are barred from receiving federal funds" and "Protect vulnerable patients’ right to make their own private health care decisions without being penalized for making those decisions."
"The Sixth Circuit’s decision is a resounding victory against unlawful federal overreach into the personal medical decisions of Kentuckians," says Kentucky AG.
Advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention voted to add COVID-19 shots to the recommended immunization schedule for adults and children, though it will not trigger school mandates unless states act.
In California, a state that has been continuously passing bills surrounding COVID-19 vaccine policies, attorneys are “chipping away at each part of this puzzle,” aiming to educate and empower people one lawsuit at a time.