
Single Parenthood and America’s Vulnerable Youth

With the traditional nuclear family unit becoming politicized as being patriarchal and oppressive to women, there are now forces advocating for its abolishment.

Same-Sex Marriage Needs 10 GOP Senators For Codification

Bill would repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, codify interracial marriage and give legislative backing to the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision.

Melinda Gates Talks About Epstein in First Post-Divorce Interview

Melinda says Epstein gave her nightmares.

Republicans Should Reject the Gay-Marriage Bill

By a vote of 267 to 157, with 47 Republicans joining the majority, the House has passed a bill requiring all state governments to stick with the redefinition of marriage that the Supreme Court ordered in 2015.

47 House Republicans Pass Same-Sex Marriage Bill: See List

Bill "repeals and replaces provisions that define, for purposes of federal law, marriage as between a man and a woman and spouse as a person of the opposite sex with provisions that recognize any marriage that is valid under state law."

Church of England Will Not Define ‘Woman’

The church was questioned by a parishioner.

Sadie Robertson Addresses Modesty: ‘Find Contentment With the Lord,’ Not Other People

Author and podcast host Sadie Robertson Huff is encouraging young women not to give in to the cultural pressure to "show more skin," saying their worth is found in how God views them and not what others believe.

Idaho University Prevented From Punishing Christian Students Who Opposed Homosexuality

A judge issued a temporary block of the university's policy.

White Failed CNN Host Says Clarence Thomas Isn’t Truly Black Because He Doesn’t Go to NBA Games

Once mediocre NBA player, failed CNN host and left-wing social media fabulist Rex Chapman is being blasted for a racist tirade against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas that he began posting on Twitter on Thursday.

University That Employs Clarence Thomas Shuts Down Students’ Attempt to Remove Him From Teaching Position

The college at which Justice Clarence Thomas teaches law will not cave into a petition calling for his removal as an adjunct professor.

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