
Over 28,000 People Convicted of COVID-19 Offenses in U.K.

Over 28,000 individuals were convicted of violating COVID-19 regulations across England and Wales.

COVID-19 Pandemic Leads to Significant Learning Losses in Reading, Math: Students Struggle to Recover Despite Classroom Teaching, Federal Funding

To overcome the learning losses, the NWEA suggests that an additional 4.5 months of math and 4.1 months of reading instruction would be required for students.

Elections Do Matter

The next generation is at stake

Biden’s New CDC Director Vigorously Pushed COVID Masks, Vaccines, Lockdowns, Contact Tracing, Child Compliance

She told citizens to answer phone calls from government employees and answer questions regarding personal health information.

Medical Freedom Panel Spearheaded by Sen. Doug Mastriano Discusses Negative Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine (Video)

“Pennsylvanians must have the fundamental right to make decisions about what goes into their own bodies,” Mastriano emphasized.

COVID-19 Lockdowns Ineffective at Reducing Mortality: IEA Meta-Analysis

A "global policy failure of gigantic proportions."

No Silence From The Lambs: Jack Hibbs

The time is now for the Church to stand against the censorship tyranny of Big Tech and Big Government.

U.S. Economy Encounters Slowdown with Only 1.1% Growth in Q1 2023

In Q4 2022, the growth rate was 2.6%, while in Q3 2022, it reached 3.2%.

First-Ever H3N8 Bird Flu Human Death Occurs in China 11 Years After Fauci’s NIAID Lab-Engineered Bird Flu to Jump from Birds to Mammals

"The patient was a 56-year-old female from Guangdong province with an onset of illness on 22 February 2023," a WHO announcement reads.

COVID Pandemic Over in Germany—Health Minister Admits School Closures Were ‘Not So Necessary’

Germany's Health Minister, Karl Lauterbach, declared that the COVID-19 pandemic is over in Germany, citing virus variants, vaccination rates, and hospital cases as evidence for his assessment.

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