Johnson & Johnson

The Growing Threat of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Media Control Over America: A Warning Echoed from Eisenhower to Zuckerberg

In a world where power dynamics shift rapidly, concerns over the control wielded by Big Pharma, Big Tech, and media conglomerates have escalated to...

Physicians Received Billions of Dollars from Pharmaceutical, Medical Industry

U.S. physicians received more than $12 billion from pharmaceutical and medical device industries over the last decade, according to a research letter.

RFK Considers NFL Quarterback Aaron Rodgers as Running Mate in 2024 Election

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is reportedly considering New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rogers to be his running mate in the upcoming election.

CVS Removes Popular Cold Medicines From Store Shelves

CVS is voluntarily removing over-the-counter cough and cold products from its shelves after a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel confirmed the active ingredients of America’s leading decongestive “medicines” do not work.

‘I Regret Getting the Vaccine’: Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly said on her show that she regrets getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Pfizer, J&J, Other Companies Accused of ‘Pharmaceutical Bullying’ in South Africa After Court Orders Release of Contracts

Recently disclosed vaccine contracts between South Africa and various pharmaceutical companies have raised concerns over "pharmaceutical bullying."

House Republicans Question NIH Payments Linked to CCP, Pharma Companies

"NIH employees took $325 million in payments from 2,019 separate companies worldwide."

HHS Allocates Over $1.4 Billion for ‘New Generation’ of COVID-19 Vaccines Despite Agency’s 2010 Analysis Showing ‘Fewer Than 1%’ of Vaccine Injuries Are Reported

Aimed at supporting "the development of a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to come."

Largest Big Pharma Companies Made $82 Billion in 2022

An analysis by Accountable.US found that the five largest pharmaceutical companies in the United States made $82 billion in 2022.

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