
Charges Dropped Against Man Filmed in Brutal Beating of Elderly Veteran

Charges have been dropped against a man who was caught on video brutally beating an elderly veteran in a Detroit nursing home.

Buffalo Mass Shooter Calls Himself ‘Authoritarian Left,’ ‘National Socialist’ in Alleged ‘Manifesto’

Alleged shooter Payton Gendron rejects being conservative: "I want no part of it."

Where Is the $56 Billion ‘To Ukraine’ Actually Going?

‘Conspicuously quiet’ on abortion is an interesting way for media to characterize video game companies, which have nothing to do with in utero homicide.

Washington Post Demands the Video Game Industry Speak About Abortion — Unless They’re Pro-life

‘Conspicuously quiet’ on abortion is an interesting way for media to characterize video game companies, which have nothing to do with in utero homicide.

Senators Demand DOJ Stop Calling Parents ‘Domestic Terrorists’ for Speaking for Their Kids

Republican leaders are calling upon the Supreme Court to stop labeling protesting parents as "domestic terrorists."

Fact-Checker Claims COVID Deaths Underreported. Here’s Why They’re Wrong.

Health Feedback, a “fact-checking” organization, is part of a World Health Organization project called Vaccine Safety Net. It operates under the umbrella of Science Feedback, whose partners and funders include Facebook and the Google News initiative.

Aid Volunteers in Ukraine Facing Trauma Themselves

Volunteers seeking to aid some of the 3 million refugees coming across the border from Ukraine are experiencing anguish themselves, a trauma therapy counselor told The Epoch Times on March 15.

Virginia Mother Confronts School Board Over Mask Mandate: ‘Blatant Political Theater’ (Video)

A Virginia mother delivered a rousing speech where she blasted her child's school board over its mask mandate that she deemed to be "blatant political theater."

Civil Rights Leader Blasts Biden and Harris: ‘Progressives Have Hijacked the Rich Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement’

Civil rights leader Bob Woodson railed against progressives who he accused of "hijacking" the 1960s movement that he was heavily involved in and helped coordinate national and local community revitalization programs.

Manhattan’s Woke New DA Will Stop Seeking Prison Sentences for Most Crimes

And downgrade felony charges in armed robberies and drug dealing as part of sweeping new policy.

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