Constitutional Republic

Anti-Christian Film Flops at Box Office

A film depicting the so-called "dangers" of "Christian nationalism" is failing at the box office.

El Salvador President Condemns Removal of Trump from Ballot

El Salvador leader Nayib Bukele condemned U.S. leadership for allowing the removal of Donald Trump from Colorado's ballot.

House Votes to Send Boebert’s Biden Impeachment Resolutions Through Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has initiated impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden.

Why the FEC and the Left Want to Control Social Media: To Silence Dissent

The left controls much of the mainstream media in our country; the left controls most of Hollywood; the left controls most of academia, and most of the vast federal bureaucracy.

Gov. DeSantis Announces Reforms for Florida’s Higher Education, Targets ‘Tactics of Liberal Elites’ (Video)

Provisions "will ensure Florida’s public universities and colleges are grounded in the history and philosophy of Western Civilization" and "prohibit DEI [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion], CRT [Critical Race Theory] and other discriminatory programs and barriers to learning."

1 Rule House Just Adopted Set to Expose FBI, DOJ, Intel Deep State

The establishment media viewed the 15 votes required to elect Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House as evidence of a dysfunctional Republican Party.

Scandals to Watch in 2023

Several scandals to watch throughout 2023 include the dynamic between Big Tech and the FBI, election interferences, and attacks on pro-life organizations.

‘Fasting for Miracles’: Is Your Fast an Act of Obedience from Faith?

The passage from Tammy Hotsenpiller's book 'Fasting for Miracles' encourages readers to trust in God and find rest in Jesus during difficult times, using the examples of Jesus calming a storm and walking on water to illustrate His power.

Omnibus Fraud

The nefarious $1.7 trillion Omnibus spending bill was passed by progressives in both parties.

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