Audit Process

Arizona Senate Settles Lawsuit Over Withheld Records in 2020 Election Audit

Some documents apparently remain unreleased.

Arizona Senate previews Maricopa audit report presentation

(Yahoo News) The contractors tasked to audit the 2020 Maricopa County general election are poised to present their findings to the Arizona Senate on Friday, with an offered preview on Wednesday.

What Might Imminent Maricopa County Audit Report Reveal About 2020 Elections in Arizona?

The report on the 2020 election audit in Maricopa County, which kicked off in late April 2021 and envisaged examining 2.1 million ballots and voting equipment, is being drafted, according to Arizona GOP.

Wendy Rogers, Doug Mastriano, Teddy Daniels Demand Maricopa-Style 2020 Audit In Pennsylvania

"We're not just doing this for 2022, we need to find out what happened in 2020"

Windham Residents STAND WITH BACKS TURNED on Board As They Railroad Audit Process — SCREAM AND CHANT “RESIGN!” (VIDEO)

HUNDREDS of local citizens turned out to the Windham, New Hampshire City Meeting tonight at the city hall.

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