On Thursday, the House passed a bill aimed at prohibiting electric vehicles made with components and minerals from China from benefiting from U.S. government incentives.
A recent report from the United Nations highlights a significant increase in executions in Iran for the month of August, causing alarm among human rights specialists who are calling on the nation's government to cease this unjust practice.
"The Big Switch" was NOT Republicans and Democrats switching places regarding race issues, it was the Democrat Party switching tactics on how to manipulate minority voters, by creating a permanent dependency on government.
The phrases "the bribe or...
USA Today ran the headlines, April 11, 2024: "Voters, fearful of World War III as Iran strikes Israel."
President Nixon, in his last official address, August 8,...
Soren Aldaco, a 22-year-old student at the University of Texas at Austin, is suing the medical providers who allegedly "permanently disfigured" her after allowing...