Christopher Columbus (1451-May 20, 1506) was a Genoese explorer who
sailed to America. After Muslim Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453, land routes were cut off from Europe to India and China....
The founder of the YMCA was George Williams was born in 1821 on an English farm in Dulverton, Someset.
Baptized into the Church of England, he described himself growing up to...
"We are willing to accept censure, sanction, suspension, removal from the Republican conference," Rep. Gaetz said. "If what these holdouts need is a pound of our flesh, we're willing to give it to them in order to see them elect Jim Jordan for Speaker."
The House Republican conference has nominated U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) for the Speaker's gavel, marking a significant turn in the ideological trajectory of the party.
A report from the Catholic grassroots pro-life organization, American Life League’s STOPP International, described that some of the highest-paid nonprofit executives work for Planned Parenthood.