Poll: 72 Percent of Voters Support Second Amendment

Seventy-two percent of registered voters support the Second Amendment, according to a poll released Thursday by McLaughlin & Associates.

Additionally, 73.4 percent agreed that the Founding Fathers “understood the importance of law-abiding citizens right to legally own firearms for things like hunting, sport and personal protection” and that the Second Amendment is “one of our most important and cherished civil rights in the U.S. Constitution.”

The survey comes as President Joe Biden and Democrats consider gun control legislation in wake of mass shootings in Boulder, Colo., and Atlanta. The president last week issued a handful of executive orders that he says will address the nation’s “epidemic” of gun violence, including instructing the Department of Justice to issue new rules about the sales of “ghost guns” and pistol arm braces as well as model “red flag law” legislation for states.

The shootings in March left 18 people dead.

The poll also found:

  • 58.1 percent said they were more likely to support a candidate “who supports the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms,” compared with 21.9 percent
  • 55.6 percent said they believe enforcement of existing laws is more important than the passage of gun control, compared with 36.1 percent