Nancy Pelosi Suggests Adding Biden to Mount Rushmore

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested over the weekend that President Biden should be added to Mount Rushmore.

“He was in a good place to make whatever decision – the top of his game,” Pelosi said during an interview with CBS journalist Lesley Stahl. “Such a consequential president of the United States, a Mount Rushmore kind of president of the United States.”

“Are you really saying that he belongs up there on Mount Rushmore? Lincoln and Joe Biden?” Stahl responded.

“Well, you got Teddy Roosevelt up there, and he’s wonderful,” Pelosi said. “I don’t say take him down. But you can add Biden.”

Pelosi also claimed that she wasn’t part of any pressure to get Biden to leave the presidential race.

“No, I wasn’t the leader of any pressure [campaign],” Pelosi said. “Let me say things that I didn’t do: I didn’t call one person. I did not call one person. I could always say to him, ‘I never called anybody.'”

Earlier last month, Pelosi defended President Biden before he dropped out of the race, claiming former President Trump had “dementia.”

“My people are very much Biden-Kamala Harris and this is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stamina,” Pelosi said at the time.

“And by the way, while the press and for some reason they don‘t – there are health care professionals who think that Trump has dementia, that his connection, his thoughts do not go together. Not only that he just lies, he doesn‘t even know the truth, so if we‘re just talking about mental acuity, let’s be fair about it.”