Missing millions – how abortion is harming us all

(Christian Today)

Last year, 56,000,000 children were aborted world-wide.

In the UK, since 1967 and out of a current population of 68 million, we have aborted 9.5 million unborn, 98% of which were for what are termed ‘social reasons’; meaning that the child was, at the time – and for whatever reason – unwanted.

To put this in some kind of context, this means that in England and Wales, since 1967, we have legally killed around the equivalent of 14% of the population. Or, to put it another way, the entire population of Austria.

As our population goes into terminal decline, with a national reproductive rate of 1.6% – well below the 2.1% needed to maintain the population – Voice for Justice’s new book, Missing Millions, explores the hidden cost of abortion on society, arguing that the declining birthrate means our ageing, indigenous population is moving inexorably towards extinction, bringing in its wake destabilising and possibly cataclysmic cultural, political, and economic change.

The burden for looking after our ageing population will fall squarely on the young – but who will pay?