Georgia Governor Brian Kemp issued a State of Emergency on Monday in preparation for freezing temperatures expected to impact the state.
The executive order allows emergency services to activate the State Operations Center, ensuring resources are made available as needed. The order also authorizes up to 250 Georgia National Guard troops to assist with preparation, response, and recovery efforts. The State of Emergency will remain in effect through Tuesday, January 28.
Key Provisions of the State of Emergency:
- Ban on Price Gouging: The order prohibits unfair pricing practices during the emergency period.
- Support for Supply Chains: Temporary increases in weight limits for commercial vehicles carrying essential supplies have been authorized to ensure timely delivery.
State offices in the City of Atlanta, including the State Capitol and surrounding areas, will be closed on Tuesday, January 21. Decisions regarding closures on Wednesday and Thursday will depend on the evolving weather conditions, according to the Governor’s Office.
The Georgia Emergency Management Agency and Homeland Security Agency will provide regular updates on weather conditions through their social media channels.
With temperatures expected to plunge into the 20s, officials are warning residents to use space heaters with caution. Improper use of space heaters is a leading cause of house fires during cold weather.
Temperatures are expected to continue to drop, with daytime highs in the 40s and lows plunging into the 30s and 20s.
The most concerning development is a Gulf low-pressure system on Tuesday, which could bring a wintry mix of sleet, freezing rain, and snow. Forecasters are closely monitoring where the rain-to-ice transition will occur, warning of potentially significant impacts through Wednesday.
Governor Kemp’s swift action underscores the importance of preparedness and resource coordination to mitigate the impacts of the extreme cold.