Woman Fired For Refusing COVID Vaccine Wins Record $12 Million Settlement

A woman who was fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine has now won a $12 million settlement from her employer.

Lisa Domski, a former employee at the insurance company Blue Cross Blue as an IT specialist for over 30 years, was fired from her position for refusing to take the shot.

Domski later sued the company for religious discirmination against her Catholic faith, and was recently awarded significant damages by a federal jury in Detroit.

The ruling reportedly included $10 million in punitive damages against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, as well as $1.7 million in lost wages and $1 million in noneconomic damages.

“Our forefathers fought and died for the freedom for each American to practice his or her own religion. Neither the government nor a corporation has a right to force an individual to choose between his or her career and conscience,” her lawyer, Jon Marko, said in a statement after the verdict was confirmed.

“Lisa refused to renounce her faith and beliefs and was wrongfully terminated from the only job she had ever known,” he continued.

“The jury’s verdict today tells BCBSM that religious discrimination has no place in America and affirms each person’s right to religious freedom.”