Washington Post Ironically Calls on Washington University to Change Its Name Because of ‘Racism’

The opinion piece says that the university needs a new name to address systemic racism.

  • An opinion piece in The Washington Post said that Washington University needs to change its name to fend of systemic racism. 
  • According to the author Caleb Francois, who is a senior at George Washington University, racism has always been an issue for the institution.
  • The article’s author cited precedent for the change due to a change in the name of the university’s Cloyd Heck Marvin Center, which was named after a famous segregationist.
  • One Twitter post (below) pointed out the irony of a “Washington” Post—a news organization with ‘Washington’ in its name—article calling for a university to change its name because it has the name “Washington” in it.
  • “Racism has always been a problem at GW. At the university’s founding in 1821, enrollment was restricted to White men. In 1954, then-university president Marvin employed numerous efforts to preserve segregation, arguing for a ‘homogenous’ group of White students. In 1987, Black students organized to demand more visibility in a predominantly Black city where Black students were outnumbered by huge majorities,” the article reads.
  • “Today, with Black enrollment at about 10 percent, Black students on campus continue to struggle for community. Despite alleged efforts by administration to enhance diversity, the admissions office continues to fail to ensure a student body with adequate minority representation.”
  • “It’s time to fully dissociate with problematic patterns of indifference to racial injustice. An African American president faithful to the vision of the many Black forefathers and forewomen who fought and died for the great ideas of universal freedom, would be a step toward a new university chapter. A new name would cement the university’s dedication to racial justice and affirm its commitment to change. It’s time to take action.”
  • The Washington Post was started in 1877 and is thought to be the most widely distributed paper in the Washington D.C. metroplex. 
  • At its inception, The Post was established as a four-page organ of the Democratic Party, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica