Trump Beats Biden in Latest CNBC Poll for 2024 Presidential Showdown

In a recent poll, former President Donald Trump is shown to have taken a 4-point lead over President Joe Biden in a potential face-off.

Conducted from October 11 to 15 with a sample size of 1,001 Americans, the CNBC All-America Economic Survey presents a margin of error of +/-3.1%.

Trump’s lead stands at 46-42, with 12% of respondents still undecided.

This lead comes amidst a backdrop of declining support for President Biden, as he grapples with challenges both domestically and internationally.

Economic issues seem to be a major concern for Americans, with only 32% approving of Biden’s handling of the economy—the lowest since he assumed office.

Meanwhile, a significant 63% voiced their disapproval, marking one of the highest disapprovals on this front.

Furthermore, Biden’s foreign policy decisions also haven’t found favor among many Americans.

A mere 31% gave their approval, while 60% disapproved.

Notably, a dent in the president’s approval comes from within the Democratic party, with only 66% and 74% of Democrats backing his handling of foreign policy and the economy, respectively.

This is contrasted with an 81% overall approval by Democrats.

As Micah Roberts, a partner at Public Opinion Strategies, the Republican polling agency for the survey, pointed out, “You don’t get sub 40 approval ratings without losing large chunks of your base. And that’s what’s happening here.”

He labeled these findings as “distressing numbers for a president facing reelection.”

Another concerning aspect for Biden’s team, as highlighted by Jay Campbell, a partner at Hart Research Associates, the Democratic pollster for this survey, is the declining support among young voters, Black people, and Latinos.

These groups have been among the most economically affected, leading Campbell to comment that they might have “run out of patience, and it’s starting to show through in their decreasing regard for the president.”