Texas City Passes Resolution Prohibiting COVID-19 Mandates

Originally published September 13, 2023 1:33 pm PDT

In a recent move against government overreach, the City Council of Odessa, Texas has voted in favor of a resolution that bars the enforcement of any federal or state-level COVID-19 mandates.

This decision allows residents to exercise their personal discretion regarding masking and vaccination.

Odessa Mayor Javier Joven told American Faith he believes his and the Odessa City Council’s “declaration against mandatory mask mandates, COVID-19 vaccinations, and private business shutdowns in Odessa, Texas, reflects a commitment to preserving personal liberties and striking a balance between health and economic concerns.”

He added, “While this decision has ignited passionate debates, it is essential to recognize the respect for personal responsibility, diverse opinions, and the consideration of localized data that underpin the Mayor’s stance. As we navigate through these unprecedented times, protecting personal freedoms within the context of public health remains crucial.”

Odessa Councilwoman Denise Swanner also emphasized personal liberty.

She told American Faith, “This was a huge step for the City of Odessa. I believe each individual should have the right to choose. I hope that other cities will follow our lead and protect their communities. It is our God-given right and no one should be able to take that away.”

City Council Member Chris Hanie, who introduced the resolution, stated, “Nobody’s gonna lose a job because they don’t get a stick or they have to wear a mask.”

He emphasized the importance of personal choice, advocating that individuals in Odessa should be allowed to make the decision to wear a mask.

Backing Hanie’s stance on the non-imposition of coronavirus mandates, he pointed out that Odessa has not witnessed a surge in COVID-19 cases.

“When they started threatening that they were gonna make mask mandates and vaccines, well how many things did you lose? We lost businesses, businesses were going under left and right, everybody was put into a position of ‘We’re gonna lose it’ so not this time,” Hanie explained.

State Representative Brian Harrison, previously the chief of staff for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the Trump era, allied with Odessa in this endeavor.

He expressed concern over the Biden administration’s approach, saying, “Joe Biden and his administration are trying to bring back Covid tyranny for round two.”

Highlighting the importance of resisting such mandates, Harrison added, “It is incumbent on states, freedom-loving patriots, elected republicans. I don’t care quite frankly what party you are [part of]. If you believe in freedom, it’s incumbent on you to stand up and push back against another round of COVID tyranny.”

In closing, Harrison praised the actions of the City of Odessa, stating, “I hope that tonight’s bold, brave action in defense of medical freedom, individual liberty, informed consent, I hope this causes city after city and other counties across Texas and across America to see the courage on display here and I hope the courage is contagious.”

According to Harrison, Odessa is the pioneer city in Texas to take such a definitive stance against COVID-19 mandates.