Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Acquitted in Senate Impeachment Trial

Texas Attorney General Kenneth Warren Paxton, Jr. was acquitted in his Senate impeachment trial over the weekend.

Jurors had to decide not only whether the suspended attorney general committed every part in the impeachment but also that Paxton must be removed from office.

As presiding “judge” Lieutenant Dan Patrick instructed,  “An impeachment article is not divisible.”

“This means the senators must consider each allegation in each article and determine whether the managers have proved each allegation in an article beyond a reasonable doubt before they can consider whether an article warrants removal from office. Then and only then may an article be sustained,” Patrick said.

From Breitbart:

Senators cast their votes on a written form, and the court bailiff collected the votes. The voting order was determined by drawing the senators’ names from a hat.

A majority vote against an article of impeachment resulted in “A finding of acquittal” for that article.