Teenager Promising ‘Lone Wolf’ Terror Attack in Las Vegas Foiled by FBI

A teenager from Las Vegas who threatened a “lone wolf operation” in support of terrorist organization ISIS was foiled by the FBI, officials said.

“Peace be upon all brothers who see this. I am here to announce that I will be starting lone wolf operations in Las Vegas against the enemies of Alah,” the suspect wrote on social media.

“I ask you to make Dua for victory. I am a supporter of the Islamic State, and I will make sure the Zionists in this city know it.”

The suspect reportedly posted the warning last Tuesday, and by the weekend the 16-year-old was arrested.

Federal agents found explosive device components and terrorist propaganda, according to Dori Koren, the deputy chief of the Homeland Security and Special Operations Division.

Law enforcement, as well as SWAT teams, foiled the alleged plan, and took the suspect into custody within hours.

“It’s important to note that we believe this is an isolated threat that we were able to quickly mitigate,” Koren said. “There’s no indication at this time that there are additional threats to our community.”

Officials reportedly recovered a handmade ISIS flag, headband and patches, ISIS and Al Qaeda propaganda, and guidance for carrying out a terrorist attack.