In his 1974 book and accompanying article with the shared title of “Medical Nemesis,” philosopher and theologian Ivan Illich boldly asserted that medical professional practice and related health policies, which he characterized as “both industry and religion,” had become “a major threat to health.”
New York City is one of the most expensive markets worldwide. Due to surging housing costs, high taxes and the negative effects of COVID-lockdowns, a rising number of New York residents are fleeing the Big Apple.
This week’s White House Report Card finds President Joe Biden ending another horror week, whipped repeatedly by the Supreme Court and approval polls and facing a growing fall election disaster if he doesn’t pull up soon.
President Joe Biden’s job approval continues to crash with a new low of 36.4 percent during the first nine months of his presidency, according to a Zogby poll, after facing a botched Afghanistan withdrawal, and more recently, a supply chain crisis.