Former President Donald Trump broadcast a one-minute message on NBC during Sunday Night Football, likely reaching a significantly larger audience than Vice President Kamala...
Leading AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, Grok, Llama via Meta AI, Claude, and DeepSeek, have a pro-Kamala Harris slant when asked about the presidential candidates.
Pro-Hamas groups across the United States are now openly calling for an "intifada" in "every capital and city" worldwide.
"Intifada" means "uprising" or "rebellion" in...
Austin, Texas, experienced an "unusually deadly" surge of more than 30 opioid overdoses on Tuesday, resulting in four fatalities and numerous Narcan rescues, according...
In a statement on Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin warned the West that Russia was prepared for nuclear conflict and cautioned that deploying U.S. troops...