Thomas Sowell

Happy Father’s Day – American Minute with Bill Federer

U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Center for Disease Control, and other agencies report that children from fatherless homes are: Five times more likely to live...

‘Cancel Culture Is a Tactic the Left Uses’—Kirk Cameron Hosts Controversial Pastor Douglas Wilson on ‘Takeaways’

In a recent episode of his TBN show “Takeaways,” Kirk Cameron tackled the topic of “cancel culture.”

Thomas Sowell: Vision of the Woke

How I Turned My Left-Leaning College Experience to My Benefit

Decades ago, KGB spy Yuri Bezmenov defected to America and exposed a four-step plan the Soviets engineered to bring down the United States: demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and normalization.

Thomas Sowell: The Most Important Lesson of Economics

Thomas Sowell – Social Justice in Education Q & A

Thomas Sowell – Social Justice Means No Justice

A Failed Nation is Marked When Truth Is Discarded and Replaced with Untruth

A failed nation is marked when truth is discarded and replaced with untruth.

The Wit and Wisdom of Thomas Sowell

A walk through some of the legendary economist’s most quotable lines.

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