Christianity is the largest religion in the world, around a third of the Earth’s population, and since Easter is the most important day to Christians, this...
One of the ways God reveals Himself is by prophecies being made and fulfilled.
One third of the Bible is made up of prophecies.
In the Old Testament, there are over 350 prophecies which Jesus fulfilled through his birth,...
A "Father of Chemistry" wanted to evangelize America ... and warned of the end of the world!
Robert Boyle was born January 25, 1627.
He studied Sir Francis Bacon, René Descartes, and...
The Babylon Bee has had nearly 100 joke headlines turn into prophecies after the stories eventually came true, the CEO of America’s largest right-leaning satire website told Fox News.
Because of their experience with the resurrected Jesus, the apostles were in a unique position, knowing with certainty that Jesus was truly the Son of God.
As Christmas approaches, we must take some time to consider the miracle of Christ’s birth, arguably the single most important event in human history. A miracle is an extraordinary phenomenon that the human mind cannot explain. For example, a person born blind suddenly gaining sight without any medical intervention. Without a human explanation, such an event would be a miracle. The Nativity celebrates the miraculous incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. Orthodox Christians spend forty days in preparation for this wonderous feast and celebrate it for two whole weeks!
South African singer-songwriter, pastor, and a respected prophetic voice, Kim Clement had mentioned Joe Biden in a 2013 prophecy for a period in history that the prophet himself had not reached to witness with his own eyes when the Lord called him home in 2016.
-Previously published for: The Christian Post
As heinous terror attacks continue to take place in populated cities around the world and claim the lives of...