
Study Shows Plastics Hinder Boys’ Development

A study published in the journal NeuroToxicology found that "everywhere plastics" inhibit boys' development.

EPA Approves Fuel Made From Recycled Plastics Despite Data Linking Chemical Exposure to Cancer

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved Chevron's plan to create fuel made from recycled plastics, although a 203-page risk assessment suggests the plan may expose individuals to cancer-causing agents.

Raw Egg Nationalist: The World Has a Plastic Problem, as New Study Into ‘Plasticosis’ Disease Reveals

“Plasticosis” is the name a group of scientists have given to the damage caused by ingestion of plastics.

Global Sperm Counts Dropped More Than 50% In Recent Decades, 2 Main Causes

The global sperm counts have fallen more than 50 percent in the last 46 years, and the drop is accelerating, according to a recent meta-analysis.

Cocktail of Chemical Pollutants Linked to Falling Sperm Quality in Research

Study finds people have ‘astonishing’ levels of compounds thought to disrupt hormones

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