In a somber, regal procession, Queen Elizabeth II’s flag-draped coffin was driven slowly through the Scottish countryside Sunday from her beloved Balmoral Castle to...
A federal judge on Monday issued a nationwide injunction on President Joe Biden’s executive order to halt oil and gas operations on all federal lands in the name of fighting so-called climate change.
California’s attorney general announced his office is opening an investigation into the oil pipeline leak in Huntington Beach. During a press conference Monday, Rob Bonta discussed the probe into what caused the major crude oil spill.
The nation’s two largest crude oil distillation units were shuttered on Sunday after it was reported that the Colonial Pipeline had suffered an “outage.”
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordered a Canadian energy company to shut down an oil pipeline long targeted by activists despite fuel shortages brought on by the cyberattack on the nation’s largest pipeline.