Defund Police

Newsom to Defund Police, Support Climate Policies Amid Deficit

The state of California owed the federal government millions of dollars after claiming reimbursements from the Medicaid program for illegal immigrants.

Seattle Ordered To Pay Large Settlement in Lawsuit Over Damages From George Floyd Protests

The City of Seattle agreed to settle a lawsuit with business owners and residents over the city's 2020 handling of the so-called autonomous zone protests originally dubbed the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP).

Tax Forms Reveal George Soros Nonprofits Donated at Least $35 Million to Anti-Police Groups

George Soros' Open Society Foundations gave at least $35 million dollars to anti-police groups throughout 2021, tax forms show.

Suspect Identified in Arizona Dem Gubernatorial Candidate Katie Hobbs’ Burglary Is an Illegal Immigrant

The suspect involved in a break-in at Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobb's office was identified as an illegal immigrant wanted by ICE.

Arizona Democrat Nominee Katie Hobbs Supported by Organizations Pushing to Defund Police, Abolish Border Patrol

Hobbs is endorsed by Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA), a leftist group advocating for the total defunding of the police, border patrol, and ICE.

Police: NFL ‘on the side of the offenders’ in defunding play

The nation’s top police union is sharply criticizing the National Football League for backing law enforcement defunding efforts while paying for officers to protect sidelines and stadium parking lots.

Minneapolis City Council and mayor vote to fund police department to nearly pre-George Floyd levels

Following the tragic death of George Floyd, Minneapolis became the home of the defund the police movement, and even contemplated abolishing the police. However, the government of Minneapolis has completely reversed course after a near-record crime wave has hit the city. Now the city is voting to fund the police.

BLM Leaders Warn Of ‘Bloodshed’, Riots If New York Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Reinstates Plainclothes NYPD Unit

Adams ultimately sat down with the group, though he told reporters he still planned on moving forward

AT&T’s ‘Racial Re-Education Program’ Asserts “White People, You Are the Problem”

Demands employees promote trans activism, defund the police movements.

Democratic cities that sought to defund police reverse course amid rising crime, cop shortages

Some Democratic cities that once sought to defund their police departments are now reversing course — some by their own volition, some under pressure from Republican governors or citizen-led initiatives.

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