
Biden to Take Credit for Stopping His Own Manufactured Crisis

Is it better to win a war without firing a shot, or rather, convince people that you stopped a “war” that never had a chance of actually starting?

Scotland Hiding Vax Status in COVID Data Due to Concerns of ‘Misrepresentation’ by ‘Anti-vax Campaigners’

Public Health Scotland has revoked its citizens' rights to see how many COVID deaths and hospitalizations occurred in vaccinated patients, citing concerns the data will be used by “anti-vaxx campaigners."

The Tribe That Wants Kids Forever Masked

One critical benchmark of a civilized society is how it treats its most vulnerable human populations and how it treats animals.

N.Y. City’s Facial Recognition Surveillance System Targets Minorities: Forbes

Racial minorities are "more at risk" of being spied on by New York City’s massive facial recognition surveillance machine.

Ukraine Crisis: A Nightmare Caused by US Interventionism

Over the weekend we heard that the US is evacuating its embassy in Kiev for fear of a Russian invasion. We also heard that Russia is evacuating its embassy in Kiev for fear of a US-backed provocation in eastern Ukraine that may lead to a Russian military response.

Vaxxed Over 300% More Likely to Be ‘Out Sick’ with COVID Than Unvaxxed: WSJ

Vaccinated "were the most likely to have worked outside the home."

Australian Prime Minister Claims Australians Gave Consent to Mass Vaccination

Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison claims that Australians gave consent for mass vaccinations saying his people were allowed to make a choice about their vaccination status, in contradiction to past statements and local government actions.

The War Party Wants a New Cold War, and the Money that Comes with It

In perhaps the most predictable column of the year, the Wall Street Journal this week featured a column by Walter Russell Mead declaring it's "Time to Increase Defense Spending."

Who Gets to Decide What’s Misinformation?: Jon Stewart

Establishment media was wrong about Iraq.

San Francisco Homeless Man Says He Moved From Texas Because It’s ‘Easy’ in the Bay Area: ‘They Pay You to Be Homeless Here’

A homeless man in California recently admitted that he moved to the West Coast from Texas because he knew it was easier to live the homeless lifestyle in San Francisco.

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