Zachary Levi, known for his role in “Shazam,” is urging those he calls “closeted conservatives” to publicly express their support for former President Donald...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been ordered to remain on Michigan's ballot for the 2024 election, despite his efforts to withdraw after endorsing former President Donald Trump.
President Donald Trump has revealed plans to form an expert panel in collaboration with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to address the concerning increase in chronic diseases among children.
In 1857, the Supreme Court, with 7 of the 9 Justices being Democrat, decided that Dred Scott was not a citizen, but property.
Chief Justice Roger Taney, who was appointed by the first Democrat President, Andrew...
On September 2, 1948, Lyndon Baines Johnson ran in the Democrat primary for the U.S. Senate against Democrat Texas Governor Coke Stevenson.
Governor Coke Stevenson was more popular and would have won, but there...
Former President Donald Trump hailed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential aspirations, deeming it "great for MAGA" and expressing his support for Kennedy's candidacy.
"RFK Jr....