Children’s Health Defense supported the lawsuit filed by William Ouweleen which challenged the constitutionality of the emergency mask mandate requiring unvaccinated people to wear masks while vaccinated people could go mask-free.
Web hosting provider GoDaddy cut service to a website belonging to the pro-life group Texas Right to Life, telling the group late Thursday it had 24 hours to find new hosting services for its whistleblower tip website,
Hollywood director Spike Lee has excited supporters of conspiracy theories after hinting that the World Trade Centre collapsed not as a result of a terrorist attack, but a controlled demolition.
The Polish-Canadian pastor who faces a potential four-year jail sentence for holding church services in Calgary, Alberta, is warning Americans that the tyranny he saw growing up in communist Poland has spread to Western countries.
Many Democratic leaders, including - most notably - Nancy Pelosi refuse to let go of the notion that the Jan. 6 "attack" on the Capitol was a terror attack on par with 9/11 or the Pulse nightclub shootings. Why? Because, they claim, the whole seige was planned and perpetrated by shadowy militia groups like the Oath Keepers, working in concert with Republican lawmakers.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) has filed for retirement benefits days before he leaves the governor’s office after resigning over a sexual harassment scandal.
The Federal Trade Commission on Thursday took a second shot at alleging Facebook is an illegal monopoly in a new complaint that accuses the social media company of buying up potential competitors or thwarting their access to the platform.
On Thursday, the Chinese Embassy in Antigua and Barbuda tweeted and then deleted a racially charged criticism of western officials who gathered in support of a Canadian national who faces the death penalty in China.
The appeals court said Monsanto had not shown that federal law preempted claims made by plaintiffs Alva and Alberta Pilliod, who in 2019 were awarded a combined $87 million after lawyers argued years of using Roundup weedkiller caused them both to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Migrants who illegally come across the U.S.-Mexico border and are apprehended by Border Patrol are not being tested for the coronavirus before being released from custody and allowed to travel across the United States, the Washington Examiner has learned.