During former President Donald Trump’s administration, Democrats did not hesitate to conjure up impeachment charges against him that were questionable, at best.
Though Trump's Operation Warp Speed increased Covid-19 vaccination distribution, The New York Times ran an opinion piece claiming Americans are "turning away a vaccine" because they're "slavishly devoted to Trump."
President Donald Trump is "tremendously proud" of his admin.'s vaccine rollout, but says the choice to vaccinate is "somebody’s choice, somebody’s freedom."
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the previous administration employed Title 42 public health safeguards in March 2020. The order from the Centers for...
The Biden education department proposed a rule Monday urging the development of “culturally responsive teaching” in American History and Civics and holding up the widely discredited New York Times’ “1619 Project” as a model for schools to teach children the United States is fundamentally a racist nation.
As the spike in migrant families crossing the border illegally grows, the Biden administration is planning to turn loose about 400 families a day by mid-June, according to a new report.