Studies Used to Support Banning Gas Stoves Flawed

A new report suggests gas stoves do not pose significant risks to health and indoor air quality. Instead, the type of food cooked and oils used may present a greater air quality risk. The analysis contends with research that claimed almost 13% of childhood asthma is due to gas stoves.

From The Washington Times:

Frying or grilling meat, including chicken, pork and beef, for example, produces “ultrafine particulate” measured in the studies, which is not generated by gas stove emissions.

“While recent media reports have suggested studies are increasingly showing a link between gas cooking and respiratory illnesses, our review of those and other studies does not support that narrative,” [Catalyst Environmental Solutions President] Tormey said. “We find the body of research on cooking and indoor air quality points toward the value of proper ventilation, regardless of whether an electric or gas stove is used.”


The Tormey-Huntley analysis also cited a 2013 study of more than half a million primary and secondary school children from 47 countries which found “no evidence of an association” between gas cooking and asthma diagnosis or asthma symptoms.