“Social emotional learning” in K-12 schools leader Jennifer Freed gave up her therapist license after The Daily Wire found she failed to report instances of child abuse.
Freed runs after-school programs where she discusses sexuality and mental health with students.
In a dissertation, Freed viewed sexuality to a religious experience, calling her sexual partner the “body of Christ.”
“I no longer identify with being an MFT therapist,” Freed wrote on her blog. “I am more of a spiritual consultant and advisor. I am more interested now in post traumatic-growth and living into solutions than solving problems.”
“I ‘retired’ my MFT [Marriage & Family Therapy] therapist license after being a licensed therapist for 42 years,” she added.
The Daily Wire reported that Freed failed to inform the authorities of several instances where minors were raped or abused.
One woman told The Daily Wire that Freed pushed her not to press charges against a teacher who assaulted her as a minor.
Reporting from The Daily Wire:
Audry Nafziger, a career sex crimes prosecutor in Southern California, said the license forfeiture could be designed to allow her to continue to pressure teens into sexual conversation with fewer legal requirements for reporting abuse. Freed’s SEL group is still running programs on public school campuses and is now paying students $10 to come to them. “Now that she’s surrendered it, she’s now likely not subject to any hearing from [the California Board of Behavioral Sciences] since all they have to hold over her is her license,” Nafziger told The Daily Wire, adding that “nobody gives up their license for nothing.”